
lunes, 28 de enero de 2013

Cada año se divorcian alrededor de un millón de parejas tan solo en Estados Unidos. (Infografía)

very year, an estimated 1 million divorces happen in the U.S. By comparison, about 2 million marriages occur annually. On the break-up side of the aisle, most divorce cases go unnoticed. Then there are the high-drama cases that are splashed across websites, magazines and newspapers: Kim Kardashian, Bethenny Frankel and so on. Kardashian and Frankel are among the 2 million or so people in the U.S. who uncouple their relationships each year and break up their households – furniture, bank accounts, insurance policies and, in many cases, children. In this infographic, InsuranceQuotes.com takes a look at the demographics of divorced and divorcing Americans.

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